Foundation Cape Green

Foundation Cape Green

Foundation Cape Green has the mission to promote exchange between Cape Verde and the Netherlands. Our current main activities are: planting trees, placing free computers in village schools, organizing free music and video workshops and plastic recycling.

Foundation Cape Green is planting trees in the town of Tarrafal which will provide both shade and fruit for the citizens. These are mango trees. We do this in cooperation with the municipality. We also buy and distribute small trees to local farmers. This concerns mango trees, coco trees, papaya trees and citrus trees. We are planning to set up our own tree nursery and have already located a small piece of land for this. So far we have planted 300 trees.

Foundation Cape Green places computers in rural schools on the Cape Verde islands, specifically in the Tarrafal district on the main island of Santiago, where the foundation works with the municipality. Where possible, computers are placed not only in schools but also in the local community centre for access by the whole community. We do this in collaboration with the Dutch IT company 1A First Alternative and Sttichting Mundo Crastino Meliori.

Foundation Cape Green organises music workshops for local talents and Dutch students that we bring to Cape Verde. We also organize video workshops for local talents who want to become filmmakers and for Dutch students we bring to Tarrafal. The workshops are free and are organized in conjunction with the music workshops.

Waste plastic is not recycled in Cape Verde but either left in the environment, in streets and on beaches, or collected and burnt in garbage dumps. This is bad for the environment, but also for the health of people. We setting up a plastic recycling program that involves the local population, especially young people.


Foundation Cape Green partners with the municipality of Tarrafal, a fishing town on Santiago Island, Cape Verde, where we are based. We work together with donors like A1 First Alternative, Oosterschelde shipping, Buma Stemra, Stichting Mundo Crastino Meliori, Fonds voor Cultuurparticipatie, Holland Film Farm and more.

Video and music made during our workshop with local talent.